The 2024 Thriving Healers Program

I invite you to close your eyes.

Imagine that you’re building your practice from a place of deep inner connection. You're doing what you love MOST and witnessing your clients experience deep and meaningful transformation.

Now imagine being lovingly guided each step of the way, surrounded by a powerful community of your fellow healers.

This is Thriving Healers.

Our incredibly intimate, high-level group mentorship program is reserved for a maximum of 18 incredible practitioners who are READY to build their healing practice with integrity through our step-by-step guidance and sacred healing container.

Our team will guide you, support your inner journey and ignite the spark within you to take aligned actions, attract clients and make a great living in your healing practice.

Julie Migneault, Founder of Thriving Healers

You'll be the first to be invited to apply for the 2024 Thriving Healers Program! We book up entirely every year (for many years), and spots will go quickly.

There is no shortage of human suffering on the planet.

there is great need for healers like you.

So WHY is it so hard to find a steady flow of clients and be successful as a professional healer?
If you're like MOST practitioners, the struggle is real!
  • You have no idea how to find a steady stream of clients.
  • ​You struggle to explain what you do so people understand the value.
  • ​Pricing and charging what your services are worth brings up fear and resistance.
  • ​Feelings of self-doubt stop you in your tracks.
  • Feelings of self-doubt stop you in your tracks.
  • ​Your income is unpredictable at best! 
Learning how to facilitate transformation is half of the journey as a practitioner. The other half is mastering the skill of marketing with integrity.
Without both parts, you'll likely end up spinning your wheels....
If you’re like me, perhaps you’re inundated with the next "bright and shiny object" or Secret marketing “method” that may be the magic bullet and solve all your problems.

I don’t have that to offer you.

What I do have to offer are tried and true foundations to building a healing practice that starts from the inside out.


It requires inner work. It requires trusting what’s right and true for you.

And it requires a willingness to grow and be seen.

Kylie made $80,000 after 2 months in Thriving Healers

while working 50% FEWER hours each month

"Within 2 months of joining the Thriving Healers program, I booked 10 clients for my six month program and one client for my 8 month program.  I made $80,000.

Before Thriving Healers program I was living on my savings.  I didn't know where clients were going to come from week by week.  I was struggling working with client session by session, really trying to hard to follow my passion.

Now I am able to wake up every day and not worry about what I make next week.  I have a very sustainable income.  I can use my heart and all of my energy to be with all of my clients.  It's such a beautiful place."

-Kylie Dang, Energy Healer

Walking the path of a healer requires a deep integration of inner work and aligned action

For me, this supposed “business building” journey has ALWAYS been the soul journey of embodiment. It's about living my truth in my daily, messy, human life. And it's about giving to others from a place of fullness.

It’s been a journey of mastering the soul curriculum that is uniquely mine to work with and it grows me in ways that I desire to grow.

This path is about learning how to take my deep inner growth into the way I live my life and show up for my calling. And of listening to the voice of my soul and following it through the dark nights of the soul to mine the gems and then bring them forward in service to others.
Perhaps you’ve never wanted to build a business. Or perhaps having the freedom of your own business lights you up! 

What I want to know is if you desire to answer the calling of your

soul and to live a life that is authentic to you?

And if you desire to serve others create meaningful, lasting change in their lives? 

One of the most powerful vehicles I know to do these things is by taking your unique gifts forward into the world in service to others through a healthy, sustainable, healing practice.

And if that is something you’re struggling with, we would love to help.


Make a great living and build your practice with integrity

Imagine doing what you love to do, and doing it without struggle. Imagine that marketing didn't feel like something that sales people do, but instead something you were confident in as a simple, aligned way to step forward, willingly, in service.

With the RIGHT business model, your marketing becomes part of your client's healing process. Never sales-y or slimy.

Find Highly committed clients that you love working with

This could be the year that you finally end the struggle to find a steady stream of clients! And that means consistent, steady, predictable income. And it means never again working with under-committed clients who are a drag on your energy (and don't get the results they want anyway!)

Learning to attract highly committed clients is a skill set. That means you can learn how to do it with mastery, integrity and JOY!

Feel confident in yourself as a practitioner and in the value you provide your clients

Being confident in yourself and the value of your work allows you to feel solid showing up in service and find safety in being seen in your gifts. Confidence is developed with experience and through reflection.    

This comes from support, inner work and by having highly committed clients who give you the feedback on the transformation they experience.   Imagine the incredible joy of witnessing your client's make courageous changes and transform their lives.

It is possible for you to find clients with ease and make a great living as a professional healer!
You Can Create A Healing Practice & Life You Love Without:
Spinning your wheels wasting time when you could be serving.
Burning out, over giving and under charging.
Struggling to make a living as you honor your soul's calling.


Jen Polo

Brennan Healing Science Practitioner, Canada

Andrea Maxine Frade

Teacher | Healer | Visionary Guide, New York City

Kristjan Haraldsson

Brennan Healing Science Practitioner, Iceland

What exactly do you receive when you join Thriving Healers?
Two monthly group business strategy sessions*
Create a clear business strategy and get busy joyfully implementing your plan! During your twice monthly group strategy calls, you'll be guided each step of the way to build your practice with integrity. Bring the challenges that are arising for you, and receive guidance to move through roadblocks, get clear on next steps, answers to all your business questions so that you never get stuck wondering what you need to be doing to get results. This is high-level business strategy and support from someone who has walked the path and helped hundreds of others do the same.

Two group supervision sessions every month*

Working your Inner Game through supervision is a critical foundation of a solid business model. We couldn't possibly leave it out of our powerful system, and it's one of the things that make this program unlike any other. Our supervisors create an incredible solid container for you to present challenging client cases and work through your own inner obstacles. These roadblocks are your keys to the transformation that will allow you to expand into the next level of your healership & business success. This is the only program of its kind that delivers business strategy and supervision together for amazing results.

*Over the program, you'll receive a combined 40 weekly sessions (including Group Supervision & Group Business Strategy Sessions)

Monthly Working sessions
Once a month, join our facilitated Working Sessions. Show up for this block of time ready to practice what you're learning, get reflection from your tribe and get work done. Our team and your fellow tribe members will be right there with you if you get stuck or need some support. This is about practicing the skills you're learning so you can master them, and having a structured space to GET WORK DONE!
Quarterly Community building gatherings
On a quarterly basis, we'll meet as a tribe to deepen our connections with one another, have fun, practice our intuitive skills, and relax. The more engaged you are to your community, the greater success of the whole! This is an opportunity to build the relationships that will catapult you forward.
Eight module training program
Our training system will guide you through our proven framework to help you get the results you're looking for. You'll learn our step-by-step system to implement the seven foundations of a sustainable business model for healers. This isn't a cookie-cutter formula. It's teaching you the foundations and skills you need to take your soul's calling forward. You'll end up with a business model that is aligned with who you are and serves your client's highest good - all while making a good living.
Tools, templates & Guides
You'll receive handouts, tools, worksheets, scripts and templates that will guide you each step of the way in creating and implementing your business model. The tools will help you save months (or years) in getting your business to the place where it's solidly making you a good living.
Access to the thriving healers membership hub
Get your personal login to the Thriving Healers Online Resource Hub! You'll find all of your trainings, tools, meeting schedule and more! Everything you need to be successful in the Thriving Healers is at the tip of your fingers.
Private monthly Laser coaching call
You'll meet once per month with your Support Coach. The Thriving Healers Support Coaches are part of our community and have gone through Thriving Healers to build their own successful practice. They are experts in supporting your progress and ensuring you are moving forward at the right pace for you.
Weekly accountability calls with a buddy
You will be paired up with a fellow member of your cohort for weekly accountability. You and your buddy will connect each week to identify key actions you want to take, celebrate wins, and cheerlead each other along the way. This is just part of our multi-layered support structure to ensure you do not stagnate in your progress.
Private mastermind group via facebook
You're invited to join our amazing community of practitioners in our private, members-only Facebook group. One of the wonderful things about Thriving Healers, is that it attracts practitioners who are devoted to service and living their calling. You'll find your tribe-members are very engaged, which is a key to success and results. We have become family and you're joining the tribe! You'll get real-time support, celebrate successes, and address challenges. This is your place to collaborate, share resources, get deeper access to Jonathan & Julie, and be fully supported in your transformation!
Monthly progess reporting
What gets measured gets done! There are MANY things you could be doing to try and grow your business but they may not be the RIGHT ones for you. We support you in tracking the actions that actually make a difference to get you results. Utilize your Progress Report to stay accountable and measure your results on a monthly basis. This ensures that you see and track your progress each step of the way!
and so much more...
Nina Twombly

Brennan Healing Science Practitioner, New Mexico

Jackie Crittenden

Full-time RN & Brennan Healing Science Practitioner, Atlanta, GA

Tina Marie Ji

Graduate of Lionheart Institute of Transpersonal Energy Healing, Los Angeles, CA

Let's Do It!

What our students say...

My income has increased by 50% since I began to utilize the Thriving Healer tools! I now offer packages instead of one-time sessions. I see clients only 4 days a week and make double the income. I just had my first $10,000 month and am now consistently booking clients into my $10,000 program.

I actually know that I've got income looking forward months out, rather then wondering week to week if I'll make enough to pay my bills...

My biggest win has been the acknowledgment and acceptance that I'm really good at what I do and I can "expect", "long" and "want" to make a generous sustainable living doing it.

- Kathy Kelly, Founder, Healing Therapies of New England

With the help of Thriving Healers, I have met my income goals and continue to expand them.

Julie helped me take the right steps in the right way so that I could build my practice with integrity, which allows me an ever deepening connection with self and others.

This effects how I hold myself and my work as I speak about what I do and how I can be of service to clients. She helped me organize the words that clearly communicate who I am and what I do so that clients can already feel the strong and safe container of working with me.

I did not have to waste time or wonder what to do differently. I had the strong and well structured container of the program and her expertise and heart guiding me. I loved the feeling of confidence I had moving forward in my work and my life - building my practice.

Julie and Jonathan have helped me learn to grow with greater ease and grace. Instead of me "doing" all the business things....I get to experience my work growing ME which feels more effortless and supportive. I am learning to take in the support that already exists rather than believing I have to "do it all" myself.

I feel full and excited, fulfilling my purpose this life.

Thriving Healers is not just a business journey, it is a Soul journey.

- Amy Wilder, Professional Energy Healer, Wilder Energetics

I have moved on from Julie's program to bring in more income and new connections that are very profitable.


Already my income has increased as I address groups of people instead of one-on-one clients. This has happened in a few months and continues to grow. I have raised my prices!

I am grateful for Julie, because I could not, for the life of me, make that clear marketing statement. She helped me get to where I can clearly share a clear statement of my particular expertise.

- Sheilagh Mercer, Healer & Artist

My first big win with Thriving Healers was learning the enrollment conversation. I started by offering a package of 6 sessions for $900. I booked 5 clients and made $4500 in the first 2 weeks of the program!

Within the year of Thriving Healers I was able to build my transformational program and I'm now consistently enrolling clients for a 9 month commitment at $7200.

My group meets once a week on Zoom and I am well on my way to earning more than I did in my old career and working WAY LESS. If you told me then that I could make a sustainable living and only work 1 day a week I would have said "yeah right."

I recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and my schedule allows me to care for her with out the need for outside child care. I have the energy to be fully present with my clients and I feel grounded in my commitment to supporting them through their healing journey.

My all time favorite aspect of this program is the support I've gained from Julie, Jonathan and the healers I've been in groups with. I now feel that I am a part of a healing community and I have made life long friendships with people on a similar spiritual path.

-Maxine Dillon, Professional Energy Healer to Creative Professionals

I joined Thriving Healers because I was looking for a real and lasting way of making income as a new professional healer.


Within two months I experienced a revenue increase of over 45 percent! I recently had my first $10k month. 

Through the program, I gained self-confidence in my ability to build a healing business for myself.

I feel really strong in my offerings now and very fluent in how I translate those offerings through intimate and supportive conversations with potential clients. Those conversations have been transformational just by themselves.

I recommend Thriving Healers to those who want a guided template as well as deep support as they pursue their goals as professional healers.

-Tina Marie Ji, Energy Healing Counselor

Through working with Julie I am watching my business take off.

 I'm letting go of the idea that promoting my work is difficult and embracing the freedom that comes with owning my potential.

I offer a unique and valuable service and Julie is helping me connect that with clients and dollars. This way everyone wins! If you have any measure of "poverty mentality" check Julie out.

- Denise LaBarre, Healing Catalyst, Author & Body Whisperer

What's covered in the step-by-step Thriving Healers Training Course?

Here is exactly what you'll receive inside of the program:


This module provides enough value to be worth the investment of the whole program. Our members have used this module to make tens of thousands of dollars in income. You'll learn how to quickly start enrolling highly committed clients into your practice from exactly where you are.  

part 1: time management / productivity

Set clear intentions and goals for the year.


Learn how to break down your goals into achievable monthly, weekly and daily actions.


Manage your time well - get clear what actions are important so you eliminate overwhelm and make consistent, steady progress.

part 2: quick start to new clients now

Get started and find your first (or next) handful of clients so you get cash flow coming in immediately


Create a "Quick Start" offering and begin enrolling clients into a $1000+ package of sessions immediately.


Reach out to "low-hanging-fruit" and use the step-by-step Quick Start Guides & email templates to schedule enrollment conversations with potential clients.


Begin by slowing down in order to speed up. in thriving healers you'll learn the inside-out approach to building your healing practice so that it's sustainable in the long term. here you'll get crystal clear on your calling, and your unique message/medicine for the world. 


Connect with your vision and the energy that wants to move through you so you can create from the inside out.


Receive a meditation to connect with this energy daily.

part 2: your unique medicine

Get crystal clear on your UNIQUE medicine - the articulation of your soul's purpose into service.


Connect deeply to your "WHY" so you can overcome self-doubt and create from your higher purpose.


Write your own journey of transformation that profoundly connects you emotionally with your potential clients.


Begin to understand your unique medicine on a much deeper level.


Connect deeply to your "WHY" so you can overcome self-doubt and create from your higher purpose.


Get crystal clear on how many clients you want and what pricing will best serve you and your clients.


In order to build your successful healing practice you're going to need to easily attract clients towards you. This module is designed to hone you in on exactly who you want to serve and how to understand their needs and wants so they are drawn to you like bees to a flower.


Use our inside-out approach to clarify who you LOVE to work with and who you are uniquely designed to serve.


Claim your niche so that you can start to easily attract ideal clients toward you.


Learn our unique method of market research to understand your niche in a deep and meaningful way.


Use your niche research to communicate to your ideal clients in a way that builds momentum and magnetizes them towards your services.


Learn exactly what to say when someone asks you "What Do I Do?" in a way that brings immediate connection and clarity to your potential clients.


One of the struggles healers have is embracing marketing. often that is because they don't know how to market in a way that feels like service. in this module you'll learn how to use educational marketing so that your marketing becomes powerfully transformative all by itself. 


Learn what educational marketing is and all the different ways you can choose to use education to provide transformation and service to your clients before they ever sign up to work with you.

part 2: 




Create educational content that is designed to have your potential clients get value, build trust and want to know more about how to work with you.


Learn how to write compelling copy, opt-in pages and more that speak directly to the needs and desires of your ideal clients.


Create your first opt-in page (invitation) that speaks directly to your ideal clients and has they signing up for more!

part 4: 




Discover where your ideal clients hang out and how to find them so you can serve them!


Fill-up your free classes or other educational marketing offers with potential clients


You'll learn how to shift out of unsustainable models that leave you under-charging and burnt out. In module four, you learn how to create programs for your clients that are designed to facilitate lasting transformation. you package and price your offers in a way that is a win-win for you and your client.

part 1: LASTING



Learn how to create offerings that include all the essentials for lasting transformation - so your clients get amazing results.


Develop your own framework for transformation - one that meets your ideal clients exactly where they are and gets them the results they want.


Create a program! By doing this, you focus on getting your clients results, versus just seeing them session by session. They benefit and so do you!


Create a program! By doing this, you focus on getting your clients results, versus just seeing them session by session. They benefit and so do you!


Learn the magic of reverse-engineering your pricing so that it's a win-win for both you and your client.


Learn how to create offerings that include all the essentials for lasting transformation - so your clients get amazing results.

part 4: deliver

your programs


Get the essentials to delivering your program - from on-boarding them to setting up how you work with them -we've got you covered.


Learn how to structure group facilitation so that you become more confident leading groups!


This module is worth its weight in gold! it's a cornerstone of what you need as a practitioner to be successful. we'll teach you this #1 skill you'll need to consistently book highly committed clients who show up ready and willing to do the work! 

part 1: The enrollment conversation 

Like anything, enrollment is a skill, and you can learn it! We're going to teach you to become an enrollment jedi!


Receive our "Authentic Enrollment Conversation Template" to guide you to enrolling committed clients.


Ever been stopped in your tracks by client's $$ concerns? We'll teach you the healing response to the concern, "I can't afford it"


Learn how to gracefully uncover and navigate through any concern that arises for your potential clients so they find their authentic YES.

part 3: 


client fit


Ever been stopped in your tracks by client's $$ concerns? We'll teach you the healing response to the concern, "I can't afford it"


Assess the likelihood of whether a client will get good results from working with you so you can confidently take on new clients!


Understand the difference between a "free session" and an enrollment conversation and why your "free session" may be doing more harm than good


Receive email templates and scripts on how to make your enrollment conversation irresistible.


As you grow your healing practice, the last thing you'll want is to get bogged down with the nitty-gritty things like billing, scheduling, customer service, etc. learn how to create systems and hire a team so you can stay focused on doing what you love.

part 1: get started with systems

Create systems that put the administrative aspects of your business on auto-pilot and free up your time


Determine your hourly rate - and start delegating any task that doesn't support you in bringing in profits to your practice.

part 2: hire your dream team

Get crystal clear on the tasks in your business you can (and should) be delegating


Learn how to write a job description that attracts soul-mate-level talent to your biz.


Understand the tricks to interviewing and choosing the right fit for you and your needs.

part 3: onboard your team

We'll teach you how to cover all your bases - from creating a contract/agreement, paying your new hire, etc.


Streamline the process so that it's simple and effective.

part 4: training your team

What do you do once you've got a team mate? Training them properly is crucial to to the success of the relationship - and when that goes well - you can stay focused on doing what you love and having fun! Learn exactly how to train your team in this lesson.


As one of our members said so eloquently, Thriving Healers is a soul journey, not just a business journey. That is because building your practice will stretch you and grow you in new and exciting ways.  

teachings to support your inner game: 

The importance of supervision to building a solid business as a healer


How to navigate the inevitable challenge of overwhelm & resistance that every practitioner faces when building a practice


Moving from worthiness into willingness so you can take steps forward even when you feel uncertain


Become a generator of value for yourself within the program


Stepping into authentic leadership as you serve others


Move through inevitable challenges and "stay the course" to business success when you hit roadblocks or fears


Drop in and engage with your community to maximize the benefits of our group field


10x the value you offer to clients by doing your own inner work and supervision of client cases

Let's Do It!


I'm giving you my resource list! After spending hundreds of hours researching to find the best, most cost effective tools to run my business, I'm sharing them all with you! All at your finger tips!



Payment processing,


Membership sites,


Equipment to create video and audio



Do the numbers. Get clear on where you really are at financially so you can make clear decisions that are in your best interest


Get a clear roadmap of the phases we go through when moving from full-time employee to full time entrepreneur so you'll know what to expect at each phase of the journey


Create your plan. Transition from the job to your work with more ease and less anxiety and stress


training: how to teach anything

Learn how to take big ideas and concepts and break them down so that anybody can learn!


Discover how much wisdom you have, as you learn to express it in your very own teachings


Use our framework to create blog posts, free class content, curriculum for your programs and more!


technology tutorials

How to set-up your Wordpress Website


Taking payments via Stripe or Paypal


Sending out emails to your list with Mailchimp


Making quick/small edits to your webpages with Wordpress

You will also receive access to recorded workshops on the topics of Enrollment, Hiring New Team, and Bonus Q&A Sessions on each module of the program!  

Plus, Get This Incredible SPECIAL BONUS When You Register Within The Decisive Action Bonus Window:

the thriving healers custom web development package!
We understand that building web pages can slow you down when what you really want to do is connect with clients! We also know the common mistakes most practitioners make when building websites - spending way too much time and money on something that doesn't even work to get you clients!

 With the Thriving Healers Web Development, we're going to create the #1 webpage you'll need to attract your ideal clients toward you! With this bonus valued at $1500, you'll receive:

  • The one web page you need to start attracting highly committed clients
  • ​Web development for your one-web-page using images and design that you choose!
  • ​Integration with your email auto-responder so that your potential clients can register for your free class (or other offer) and will automatically receive a follow-up email with details!
  • ​Set up of a Wordpress website on your own domain name! (If you don't have one already)


MBA & Brennan Healing Science Practitioner

After getting her Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and landing her dream job leading global social responsibility programs at a Fortune 500 Companies by the age of 26, Julie found herself feeling surprisingly “off path” and like something fundamental was missing in her life. She followed the voice of her heart and left the success and security of her career and began a deep and personal journey of growth, healing, and transformation. With extensive training and some serious love and devotion, she refined her gifts as a clear intuitive and energy healer, combining these gifts with her extensive business acumen and strategic thinking. Using this combination of gifts, she built her business as a full-time healer.

Julie now supports professional healers from around the globe to do what they love, share their gifts and make their impact. She's dedicated to doing business consciously and with relationships at the center. Her approach to marketing is educational and with an intention to serve her audience.

Julie received her MBA from Bentley University and a four-year professional certificate in Energy Healing from the renowned Barbara Brennan School of Healing. She is the founder of Thriving Healers and the creator of the 10 Day Inner Guidance Challenge. Julie loves to travel and has joyfully explored over 20 countries in her adventures. She now lives in Maui, Hawaii. Her greatest passions are creating meaningful connections, dance (and most kinds of movement), the ocean, and being an example of fierce love in the world.

International Healer & Master Practitioner

Jonathan started his path 25 years ago as a firewalker and breathworker and has been pushing the boundaries of transformational work ever since. Having trained in dozens of therapeutic modalities, Jonathan brings a rare depth and breadth of experience to his work.

Jonathan has taught for 12 years at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing (BBSH), where he's helped to train thousands of healers. He currently serves as the head of the Year 2 Teaching Team at BBSH. He has also taught internationally in New Zealand, China, Taiwan and Japan.

Jonathan provides a safe, solid container for your transformation through group supervision. Supervision allows you to move through any fears or unworthiness so that your business can thrive.

Jonathan is the co-founder of Embodied Awakening, which he leads with his wife, Rumi, in Japan. He has a private practice in Tujunga, CA and focuses on awakening facilitation and supervision for healers.

Thriving Healers Testimonials

Being part of Thriving Healers has provided me with the sense of freedom and confidence that I can actually create my healing practice in the way that nourishes me and nourishes my clients. It’s giving me tools that help me to create the space, as well as the structure, to work as little or as much as I want.

- Elaine McGoogan, Fully Present Energy Healing, Brennan healing science practitioner

I feel a new sense of confidence in myself, my growing business and my gifts. Julie helped me look at some of the blocks I had around my business, gave me clarity in the steps I need to take, and real tools to use in marketing myself and putting my vision out into the world. Thank you for your guidance, Julie!!!

- Julia Galeeva, Fine Artist

Julie helped me to more completely integrate my business life into every other aspect of my life. Within six weeks my income doubled and I’ve held that level for two months!

- Carol McNulty-Huffman

During our first session I had a breakthrough that led me to a huge shift. Within the next week, I had over 10 new clients and was putting people on a waiting list! I even received the opportunity to bring my work global, which is one of my visions for my work!

- Monika Marczuk, Reiki Practitioner

Thriving Healers taught me how to package my healing sessions in a better way that creates a win-win both for the client and myself. It also taught me how to truly align with the healer that I am and how I want to show up in the world.

- Cara Andershock, Journeys to the sacred


Frequently Asked Questions


What if I have no professional training?


This program is specifically designed for professional healers. This is for you if you want to make a full time living as a professional healer, counselor, or practitioner in the field of transformation. In order to truly benefit from the program, it's best if you have training in your field and/or experience in your field, and you have worked with some clients - even if they were practice clients.

This program has been very successful for those who received it WHILE they were in their professional training program, those who recently graduated or completed a professional training program OR have been working as a professional healer for months or years.


How much time will this take each week?


There are two kinds of time investments in building your practice.
The first time investment is the time that you'll spend building your practice. If you plan on building your practice with or without the support of Thriving Healers, then this is a time investment you'll be making either way. Thriving Healers will significantly shorten the amount of time and energy you put into your business before you see results. If you choose to go it alone, you will most probably spend countless hours figuring out what works.

The second time investment is the time you'll spend on our group calls and in the training modules. We estimate about 3 - 4 hours a week to participate fully. The time you spend in the group calls and doing the trainings IS working on your business. The coaching and supervision will ensure you're only doing the things that WORK and that you move through any challenges quickly, with support and ease.

We're looking for practitioners who are serious about growing a healing practice, which does require an investment of time and energy.


What if I'm not a "healer" but I work with clients?


We use the word "healer" because it's broad enough to encompass many types of practitioners who are aligned with our teachings, yet specific enough that you understand you're joining a community of amazing, deep and embodied practitioners who help others to create positive change in their lives.

What's unique about our program is that it is designed to support you in making a living as a practitioner. You don't have to call yourself a healer in order to be a good fit. We've worked with coaches, somatic therapists, counselors, artists and consultants with incredible results.


Can you guarantee it will work for me?


No, we can't… (and we wouldn't trust anyone who gives blanket "guarantees")

We CAN guarantee to do our very best to support you in building your practice. Our track record speaks for itself. For every client who has shown up and done the work - they've made their investment back and most often times made more than their investment back. Of course, we can't do the work for you. If you aren't willing to get into conversation with potential clients, and if you are not willing to work through the normal challenges that arise when building a business, then this won't work for you.


I've tried other business trainings, why is this different?


Thriving Healers is unique for a few reasons...

We create a deep and safe container for your personal transformation as a practitioner. Our supervision component is unlike any other business training we've seen out there. It creates a level of integration in your work that is essential if you want to make a professional living as a healer. You will grow as a practitioner through the program. The structure of our program is purposefully designed to maximize your results. 

This includes:

Mentorship: Julie & Jonathan are tracking your progress each step of the way and personally guiding you. You're not signing up for a program where you're left alone to make sense of the trainings. We're here with you each step of the way through our weekly group calls, facebook group and working sessions. 

Plus, we're professional healers and we've done this in our own business. We've walked the path.

The Business Model: The business model we teach is uniquely designed for professional healers. Healers work in such an intimate and sacred way with our clients, that a lot of the "business tactics" that work for other entrepreneurs simply don't work for healers. We eliminate all of the things that don't really get you results so you start getting more clients right away.

Community: One thing we know for sure is that the more engaged our community is, the better results we all receive. The Thriving Healers tribe is 100% engaged. We've become family. The group energy amplifies each individual's results.

Ultimately we invite you to go inside and move through any fear or doubt to hear what the voice of your heart - and of your guidance - is telling you.


What if I'm not very technical and I don't have a website?


You're in luck! As an incredible bonus (worth $1500) we take the technology headache away and build your first web page! You receive a website, "Opt-In Page" for clients to sign-up to a free class or webinar and integration with an automatic email responder. We even set up the first email that will automatically go out to those who register for your class or other offer via your Opt-In-Page.


Truly, this is all you need in order to make your first six figures in your business. We're proof of that!

One of our intentions is to make sure you're taking action that gets you results. And at this phase of business, having a big website doesn't get results. What gets results is connecting with your ideal clients and having powerful conversations with them. Your one Landing Page will give you the basics you need to get moving, and our team takes care of it for you!



Let's Do It!

Thriving Healers Testimonials

Before I started working with Julie it felt as if I was the only one that knew what I was talking about when referring to what I offer.

She has patiently guided me step by step in how to ground and present what I offer in a very clear succinct way. I can literally feel the energy of it having much more form.

This process has been tied into my own personal blocks around owning what I offer. The grounding of my words combined with the support through her channeling has supported me and my work to come forward.

What is unique about her coaching is that with every step I take to clarify my work, she can hold the space for what that means to me personally so that I can truly step up and step out with my gifts fully empowered shining my own light on them with no hesitation.

Not your average coach! What a gift she has been. I will be forever grateful to her.

- Mary Lane, Founder, Divine Nourishment

I have a private healing practice and had become frustrated because the normal business model doesn't really work for me. I felt Julie was able to really see me and what I was trying to accomplish and she was able to hold space for this and give me the structure I needed to succeed.

What I like about Julie is her ability to hone in and focus on the core issues in my business and set up the steps and give me the tools I needed to effectively solve them, and quickly get back on track. She was extremely personable, on time, and gave me instant feedback and follow-up while things were still fresh in my mind, which I greatly appreciated.

I hold Julie in high esteem and I highly recommended her to friends and colleagues. I am extremely grateful for the work we did together.

- Laura Styler, Brennan Healing Science Practitioner

Julie is the best coach I've met, especially if you're in the healing arts. She is the perfect blend of logical, time tested marketing knowledge and intuitive insight. She really understands what healers go through: how we are challenged by organizing, critical thinking, etc. She is very patient but will also keep you on track and hold you accountable to your goals. 

If you really want to have a successful, but also heart centered healing practice Julie is the coach for you.

- Robert Farland, Vocal Coach

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